Tooth and Gum Care


When should my child start brushing?

Clean your child's very first teeth by rubbing them gently with a damp piece of gauze. When the first molars come in, usually between 10 and 18 months, it's time to start daily brushing. Use a soft-bristled brush. Do not use fluoride toothpastes in children less than two years of age, unless advised by a dentist. For children aged two to seven a small, pea-sized amount of toothpaste can be used but try to keep your child from swallowing any of the paste. Move the brush back and forth gently in short strokes, making sure you reach the front, back, and chewing surfaces of all teeth. Be extra careful around her tender gums.

How can I help my older child brush?

Until your child is old enough to handle a toothbrush on her own-probably when she's five or six-you'll need do the actual brushing. Again, use a soft-bristled toothbrush and a pea-sized dab of fluoride toothpaste. When the child turns three, start brushing twice a day, once after breakfast and once before bed. Even when she starts brushing her own teeth, she still needs a parent to supervise until she's 7 or 8.

Will my child be getting too much fluoride?

Young children who swallow large amounts of fluoride toothpaste can develop fluorosis, which leaves harmless but unsightly white patches on teeth. Fluorosis only strikes teeth that are still forming under the gums, so it doesn't affect older children or adults. If you're conscientious about using only a pea-sized portion of toothpaste and make sure she doesn't swallow, there's little likelihood your child will ever develop fluorosis.

Does my child need to floss?

Children need flossing as soon as they have two teeth that touch together. Many children under 6 will need help, of course. After your child's teeth are brushed, wrap a length of floss tightly around two of your fingers, and guide it between your child's teeth using a gentle rubbing motion. Slide the floss up and down along the side of each tooth, and clean the gumline by carefully sliding the floss under the gum in the space between the gum and tooth.

When should my child first see a dentist?

Some dentists recommend taking children to the dentist before their first birthday. This gives dentists an opportunity to spot the beginnings of tooth decay and to teach parents how to care for their child's teeth. But if you already regularly brush and floss your child's teeth and don't see any sign of trouble, waiting a couple of years probably won't do any harm.

What foods cause cavities?

Anything sweet, starchy, or extra sticky can promote cavities, especially if your child grazes on these foods throughout the day. Try to limit your child to two or three snacks a day, and encourage her to eat raw fruit, vegetables, nuts, and non-sugary drinks. If the child still drinks from a bottle, it's crucial to avoid letting her spend hours sipping sweet liquids such as juice, minerals, or even milk. (Letting a child suck on a bottle in bed is really asking for trouble, both for dental reasons and because it could also cause choking.)

Could sucking on a thumb or soother hurt my child's teeth?

For children under 4, these behaviours are harmless. But those children who keep on sucking into their primary school years can end up with permanent teeth that are misaligned. A dentist can tell you if your child's habit is likely to cause trouble.


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